First authorized public purchase of EarlyCDT-Lung in Spain

After 3 years (and a pandemic!!) fighting for the introduction of EarlyCDT-Lung in Spain, here I am with one of the first 12 kits (120 patients) that have just been authorised by the Purchasing Unit of the A Coruña Hospital (CHUAC). Officially the Galician Health Service (SERGAS) becomes the first Spanish Public Health Service to code the test (LBIA Catalogue – Code 713099).
early cdt lung

Today is a great day for us, but especially for patients at high risk of lung cancer, especially if they are Galician and live in the province of A Coruña. We hope the rest of the Communities and Public Hospitals will be encouraged to incorporate the EarlyCDT-Lung test to their service portfolios.

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