Another step on our way to democratizing Early detection of lung cancer in Spain.
The Albacete University Hospital Complex (CHOSPAB), through its Thoracic Surgery Department, Pulmonary Department and Lung Cancer Committee, becomes the third “big” Public Spanish Hospital to start using the EarlyCDT-Lung as diagnostic tool for malignant characterization of Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules.
Under the guidance of Dr. Pablo León, Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department at CHOSPAB and current president of the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery (SECT) and Dr. Jesus Jiménez, Head of Pulmonology Department at CHOSPAB, a new algorithm has been established for the management of indeterminate pulmonary nodules which, for the first time, includes the EarlyCDT-Lung test result in the decision-making algorithm of the CHOSPAB’s Lung Cancer Committee.
After an initial pilot phase to be carried out at this reference center, the idea is to implement the new algorithm in hospitals of the whole Castilla La Mancha, to give the same opportunities and life expectancy to all Manchegan patients, wherever they live in the Autonomous Community. The initial phase starts this week with the appointment of the first patients by the CHOSPAB pulmonology service for blood extractions.
With Castilla la Mancha, together with Galicia and Aragon, three are now the Spanish Autonomous Communities that are in the initial phase of testing EarlyCDT-Lung in Reference Centres of each Autonomous Community, as a preliminary step prior to massive implementation in the rest of the respective Community. The initial phase is also scheduled to start shortly in Andalusia, at the Juan Ramón Jiménez University Hospital in Huelva.
We expect that the rest of the Autonomous Communities will be progressively incorporating EarlyCDT-Lung into their health services portfolio for the diagnosis and characterization of indeterminate pulmonary nodules and that lung tumor committees in many more hospitals will be implementing it in their routine.