Pharmacogenetics is a branch of Medical Genetics that studies the interactions between genes and drugs. Knowledge of the genetic variability of each person in the field of pharmacology makes it possible to interpret the responses of each individual to different treatments and to find logical explanations for those patients identified as null or low responders to treatment.

Two people receiving the same drug, even at the same dose, may respond in very different ways, to the extent that for one patient the treatment is effective and for the other it is not, or even harmless for one and toxic for the other. Behind these differences lies genetic variability, so we can say that pharmacogenetics determines our genetic compatibility with drugs.

Mypharma Onco is a pharmacogenetic analysis that analyses single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that interact with the efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. The current version of MyPharma Onco includes drugs commonly used in the treatment of cancers such as colon, gastric, breast, ovarian, and lung cancer. MyPharma Onco only includes interactions with a level of evidence 1 and 2, according to the pharmGKB classification https://www.genxys.com/content/pharmgkb-pharmacogenetic-database/, those gene-drug interactions clearly proven and with clinical applicability.


Two people receiving the same drug, even at the same dose, may respond in very different ways, to the extent that for one patient the treatment is effective while for the other it is not, or even harmless for one and toxic for the other. Behind these differences lies genetic variability, so we can say that pharmacogenetics determines our genetic compatibility with drugs.

Mypharma Onco is a pharmacogenetic analysis that analyses single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that interact with the efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. The current version of MyPharma Onco includes drugs commonly used in the treatment of cancers such as colon, gastric, breast, ovarian, and lung cancer. MyPharma Onco only includes interactions with a level of evidence 1 and 2, according to the pharmGKB classification, i.e. those gene-drug interactions clearly proven and with clinical applicability.


MYPHARMA ONCO has been developed in the framework of the project, “Development of a novel pharmacogenetic test for oncology patients”.


Action: R&D SME (PIDI-CV) 2020

Nº Expediente: IMIDTA/2020/40